News 2024
- January started with several
- HHU-University in Dsseldorf,
Germany: Evaluating some promising results and planning
more research with skin preparations are on the way. We
plan to present something on the GPT (German society of
Phytotherapy) in Utrecht, Netherlands, in the end of
- Companies: Finally there is a first
contact to Bahamian companies, who might be interested
in producing and selling some supplements under the
brand name Integusan.
- The second Book about Bush-medicine
is "under construction".
News 2021
- 2023
- Due to the pandemic almost all
research and activities stagnated:
- Work situation: The laboratory had
the challenge of loss of employees and adaptation to the
Corona-situation, and plants could not be sourced.
- Sadly I was at the funeral of one of the
knowledgeable midwives, and another good "bush-friend"
also died.
- Some good research results are encouraging to proceed
with the plant-project.

News 2020
- I proceeded successfully regarding
research, Bush Medicine,
and getting forward with the next book:
- The European patent for a
combination of skin-friendly plant-preparations is
granted in 2019.
- The preparations still are applied for a patent in
the USA, China and Canada as a future product-portfolio from cosmetics up to
antiseptic and healing skin products.
- In Nassau, Bahamas, the book has been reviewed by
the University of the Bahamas (formally
COB) as a scientific and well readable book compared to
others. (unfortunately a wrong link was used, so, please
use this site or Amazon)
- Nassau Stationers Bookstore in
Nassau, Bahamas, Rosetta Street sells the book to
students and to the public
- Finally a complicated network of plant-sourcing-,
and extract-producing companies are established.
- The University in Dsseldorf,
Germany begins further pharmacological and medicinal
research and trials.
- The Brand names Integusan and Epiflor are the recognized and proposed product
News 2016
- I presented a scientific poster during the Congress "Phytotherapy
June 2016" in Germany, Bonn. -
It showed a sample of some traditional plants and how
their uses can be invented into modern research and therapy.
Now some downloads with additional
information, a poster, and a letter of intent are available.
Click here
News 2015
- 2016
- Lots of activities during these
- Research on some plants lead to a
possible remedy with skin friendly plant extracts
- Integusan for Europe + USA us the brand name for a
future product-portfolio from cosmetics up to
antiseptic and healing skin products.
- In Nassau, Bahamas, the book is on the COB-list (College of the Bahamas).
- A boutique in Stella Maris, Long
Island, Bahamas, sells the book constantly
- Nassau Stationers Bookstore in
Nassau, Bahamas, Rosetta Street sells the book to
students and to the public
News 2014
- Since many years I am writing and researching about Bush Medicine:
- The news for 2012 are still valid.
- In Nassau, Bahamas, the book is on the list of the
COB (College of the Bahamas).
- I am planning to write a second book, but it needs much
research and time besides my full time profession, so I
only can promise to hurry up, but not, when it will be
published. Only, that more interesting plants and
subjects will be on the way.
News 2012
- Now you can order otherwise
- In Long Island, Bahamas Stella Maris Inn sells it in the boutique and several other native shops
- If the author is on the island, she will be glad to sign books for you.
- Sorry, dear
reader, a failure-devil is in my first book. Here can you
download the correction.
- •
correction first book